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Curcuma Phyto iv

Curcuma Phyto is an iv compound that contains all the pharmacologically active components of the Curcuma root (rhizome). In addition to the four essential curcuminoids, there are another 37 components, which are completely preserved through a special extraction process. In clinical use, Curcuma Phyto is often combined with the curcumin iv solution (4 curcuminoids).

Treatment Protocol
Curcumin Phyto Extract 10ml (vial)
Normal Dosage :

For very sensitive patients prepare 1 amp Dexamethasone and inject before start directly into the infusion line.

Treatment Protocol
Curcumin Phyto Extract 10ml (vial)
in combination with Curcumin (300mg, 800mg, 1000mg):

For very sensitive patients prepare 1 amp Dexamethasone and inject before start directly into the infusion line.

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